
- 無須擔心孩子夜歸的安全。
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- 孩子可以從容回家吃晚飯,休息一下洗個澡再上課,輕鬆無負擔??。
- 在家上網就能和外國人做朋友,聊天學英文!
- 我可以放心大聲講英文,經驗豐富的外籍老師可以聽懂我要表達的意思!
- 想怎麼學?什麼時候學?跟誰學?都由我安排、我決定!
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- 我可以上傳照片,讓世界各地的人認識我,我也能認識不同地方的新朋友!
- 在家就彷佛置身國外名校的留學環境,輕鬆學會一口流利的好英文!
選擇「一對多」小班式互動教學,TutorABCJr會為孩子配對程度相仿的學習者一同學習,孩子可從同學的發言中,學習更多詞彙,聽見不同觀點。 小班制人數6人以下,由深具教學經驗的顧問引導,絕不影響孩子的開口權益。
掌握自我節奏學習 學業技能左右兼顧
沉浸英文環境 伸展語言本能
短短四十五分鐘的全英文環境,讓她輕易掌握了英文邏輯,過了一段時間後,流利的英文對話就這麼脫口而出! 慧儀表示:「以前我的文法很弱,雖然勉強可以說,但是句子很混亂。我很喜歡TutorABCJr的課程,是因為外籍顧問會給我很多機會說話,並且即時糾正我的發音和文法,是補習班做不到的。」
彈指聽見世界 暖身躍向國際
"As part of Shenhua's strategic objective to become a world-class clean energy provider, we are very interested in developing utility-scale concentrating solar power plants, and we look forward to working with SolarReserve in bringing its world-class proprietary technology to China," said Dr. Ling Wen, CEO of Shenhua Group.
SANTA MONICA, California, May 4, 2016 /PRNewswire/ --SolarReserve, LLC, a leading global developer of utility-scale solar power projects with proprietary advanced solar thermal energy storage technology, and Shenhua Group Corporation, Ltd., a key state-owned enterprise in the People's Republic of China, announced the companies have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to build 1,000 megawatts of solar thermal projects in China. SolarReserve's solar storage technology solves the intermittency issues experienced with other renewable energy sources, enabling the deliv十興國小ery of 100% renewable baseload and dispatchable power with operational capabilities comparable to traditional fossil-fired and nuclear electricity generation methods.
Logo - http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130927/LA87962LOGO
"Today's announcement is a perfect example of how innovative American companies are playing a leading role in the clean energy economy. This deal will support American exports and American jobs while simultaneously helping China meet the emission reduction goals it set under the Paris Climate Agreement. I am so pleased that last year's trade mission, led by the Departments of Commerce and Energy, was instrumental in bringing this deal to fruition," said U.S. Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker.
"SolarReserve is excited about the opportunity to help China meet its emissions reduction goals by working with the world's largest coal company as it expands into large scale solar thermal," said Kevin Smith, SolarReserve's CEO. "Our 1,000 megawatt partnership with Shenhua is at a scale that will lead to substantially lower costs while contributing clean and renewable energy to China's growing power needs. This is just part of China's target to build 10,000 megawatts of CSP over the next five years."
The announcement was made on Monday in a signing ceremony in Washington D.C. attended by U.S. Deputy Secretary of Energy Dr. Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall and U.S. Deputy Secretary of Commerce Bruce Andrews.
As a world-leading coal-based integrated energy company and the world's largest coal supplier, Shenhua Group ranked 196th among the Fortune Global Top 500 Companies in 2015. The collaboration will leverage Shenhua's deep expertise in developing, funding, constructing and operating power plants. SolarReserve will supply critical technology, along with technical support services to construct the most advanced solar thermal projects ever built in China. The unique power dispatch capabilities of these utility scale projects will facilitate the deployment of additional wind and PV generation, while ensuring the reliability and security of the new ultra-high voltage transmission lines being constructed to bring clean, renewable power from the north and west regions of China to load centers in the east.
For further 新莊高中課後輔導information, contact:
SolarReserve is headquartered in Santa Monica, California and maintains a global presence with seven international offices to support widespread project development activities across more than 20 countries.
Photo - http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20160502/362750
About SolarReserve
SolarReserve is a leading global developer of utility-scale solar power projects, with more than $1.8 billion of projects in construction and operation worldwide, and development and long-term power contracts for 482 megawatts of solar projects representing $2.8 billion of project capital. In addition, SolarReserve has commercialized a proprietary innovative solar thermal technology with integrated energy storage that solves the intermittency issues experienced with other renewable energy sources, and also eliminates the need for any backup fossil fuels, such as natural gas, which are needed with other solar thermal technologies. SolarReserve's technology design, which uses molten salt for energy storage, represents the most flexible, efficient and cost-effective form of large-scale energy storage available today. The technology uses mirrors to focus sunlight to directly heat molten salt and then store it so electricity can be produced day and night, similar to any coal, oil, natural gas or nuclear power plant – except the fuel is the sun which means zero emissions, zero hazardous waste, and zero dependence on fuel price volatility. The deployment of this technology brings additional benefits to local and global economies through the creation of jobs, greater energy security, cleaner environments and a healthier, more sustainable future for generations to come.
SolarReserve's flagship Crescent Dunes Solar Energy Plant in Nevada, with 10 hours of full-load energy storage, is the world's first utility-scale facility to feature advanced molten salt power tower energy storage capabilities. Crescent Dunes entered into commercial operation in late 2015 and delivers 110 megawatts of electricity plus 1,100 megawatt-hours of energy storage. The facility's storage capability alone is about equal to all of the world's installed utility scale batteries combined. Nevada's largest electric utility, NV Energy, is purchasing 100 percent of the electricity generated by the Crescent Dunes project under a 25-year power purchase agreement and dispatches the project to generate solar generated electricity until 12 midnight or later in order to meet its peak energy demand periods.
Mary Grikas, +1 (310) 315-2274
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